Week 8 Is Just Great

Week 8 was a chill, welcome back to school!

Daily Creates

This week I was tasked with three daily creates, and I am ashamed to say, I dropped the ball. I started off strong with Tuesday’s prompt which was to use his RepeatAfterMe project. I used the lyric “I love people I don’t like” from Olivia Rodrigo’s Brutal because it was short and concise, but it’s also a lyric I relate a lot to. I thought it came out nice, and the scattered letters relates to how the song sounds. I also thought it was interesting to see other people’s take on this assignment. I felt that no matter what, the project came out good.

The next prompt I did was Friday’s which was to celebrate pi day. I used a picture last year from when the CRUC was serving apple pie. It was my reward because right before I got lunch, I had gotten vaccinated and I hate needles. The pie was kind of cold, but still good.

This week, I did my math wrong. I had thought I done three, but it wasn’t until Friday that I realized I had only done two. To remedy this, I went back to Monday’s prompt which was “Make a Song Data Graphics.” I used Rick Astley’s Never Gonna Give You Up because of the repetitive chorus and to symbolize the repetitiveness, I used a Venn diagram.


I found it hard to find things to comment on this week. As I mentioned earlier, I thought the responses for the RepeatAfterMe prompt were cool. I responded to Todd Conway’s post, and I commented “I like how this turned out. The black background with the gray falling text makes it look like a word storm. Ironic, because the lyric describes a sunny day.” The picture gave a good visual representation of the lyrics. I also commented on Ryee’s post, I said “This came out so good! It’s interesting because the words on the screen convey calmness (or at least the effort to remain calm) while the art in the back feels like chaos. It looks like the two parts of one mind during an anxiety attack or something of that nature.” The visual conveying the opposite of what the lyric were saying gave the post such a cool look! I wrapped up the week by commenting on Liv’s pie/pi post, I said “My grandma’s apple pie is also my favorite!” Which is true, my grandma makes apple pie for me and my dad every time we go to her house for Thanksgiving. I also replied to Cinder’s post; they said “It’s not pi day without having some pi” so I commented “This is the best way to celebrate!”

Final Thoughts

This week was a great way to get back into the swing of school. I’m excited to work with my group to create a radio show.

  1. I’m really impressed by how well you’ve explained this topic. It’s clear, detailed, and easy to follow, and I love…

  2. I loved this, I thought it was really funny, but then when you think about it a little longer its…

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